The fretless bass offers electric bass players a unique and special way to express themselves and emote through their instrument. In this pack, you will learn the techniques that Mark Egan uses to get his signature expressive sound. As Mark emphasizes, these techniques are something that you should experiment with over and over again until you have developed them into something that is comfortable for you. Ultimately, armed with these techniques, you will be able to make your fretless bass sing. Be sure to visit Practice Mode where you can slow the examples down and really get inside each technique.
Be sure to check out Mark Egan’s other excellent packs that will help you to continue your journey on fretless bass.
Here are the lessons that appear in this pack:
- Vibrato
- Scooping
- Scooping Minor Blues
- Hammer-On
- Hammer-On Rock Groove
- Lift-Offs
- Lift-Off Rock Groove
- Slides