The Inside Track
Full, unedited replay from Gregg Bissonette’s The Inside Track live clinic event!
Gladstone Pack 2
Morris “Arnie” Lang shows you more techniques and approaches of the legendary Gladstone Technique.
Gladstone Pack 1
Morris “Arnie” Lang shows you more techniques and approaches of the legendary Gladstone Technique.
Victor Wooten: Tone
In this pack, bass superstar Victor Wooten offers 7 different lessons on tone, featuring plucking positions, muting, attack, note duration, dynamics, sustain, and playing spaces and accents. The lessons are beginner to intermediate and will serve as a vital source to your overall sound.
Victor Wooten: Hand Exercises
In this pack, bass superstar Victor Wooten offers 8 different lessons on hand exercises, stressing muscle development for strength, stamina, flexibility and tone for both the right and left hands. The lessons are beginner to advanced and are guaranteed to prepare you physically and mentally for any and all musical tasks at hand.
Victor Wooten: Tapping
In this pack, bass superstar Victor Wooten offers 8 different lessons on tapping, from proper technique and tapped chords and scales, to two-handed tapping for bass-and-chord rhythmic patterns. The lessons are intermediate to advanced and will result in tapping becoming a major component of your playing vocabulary.
Tom Kennedy: Technique Pack
In this pack, Tom Kennedy teaches you about both right and left hand technique. The exercises will help you achieve better tone, play more fluidly, play faster, and play with more consistency. This pack is for beginning players.
Theory Reference Pack: Chords: Seventh Chords
In this pack, Robin Keats introduces you to seventh chords. Seventh chords are used to describe groupings of four notes and are fundamental to all styles of music. This pack is for beginning or intermediate players.
Theory Reference Pack: Chords: Triads
In this pack, Robin Keats introduces you to triads. Triads are the basic three note groupings or chords that are fundamental to all music. This pack is a must have for all beginning players.
Bass Guru Sample Pack
Check out this FREE sampler from Bass Guru! Just add this pack to your cart and go through our check out to create an account and try this pack for free today!
Getting Sound From Different Amps
Mike Pope teaches you everything your need to know to get a good, personalized sound from any amp or speaker. His systematic approach will help you find a workable sound in almost any situation.
Getting Sound From Your Bass
In this pack, Mike Pope teaches you everything your need to know to get a good, personalized sound from your bass. You’ll learn how to use your hands and your basses built in controls to alter your tone. For beginning players.