
Beginner Rock Groove Pack 4

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In Beginner Rock Groove Pack 4 you will learn a variety of concepts to expand your basic rock vocabulary on the drums. You will learn some classic concepts from Drum Guru instructors Mike Sorrentino and Joe Bergamini, as well as a classic Journey groove from Steve Smith, and a lesson on getting creative with your grooves from Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater)!

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Beginner Rock Groove Pack 2

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In Beginner Rock Groove Pack 2 you will learn several more important basic grooves in rock drumming, and some interesting bonus concepts as well. Your teachers will be Joe Bergamini and drum superstar Mike Portnoy, who will give you an overview and introduction to double bass drumming!

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The Progressive Rhythm Method

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An exercise in reading charts multiple time signatures, complex tempo changes, and superimposed rhythmic changes.

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The New Breed


Systems for the Development of Your Own Drumming Creativity.

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All Access to Aquiles Priester’s Drumming


Featuring songs of Hangar, Edu Falaschi and Noturnall.

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Rhythm and Drumming Demystified


A method to expand vocabulary while improving reading, timekeeping, coordination, phrasing, and polyrhythmic skills.

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Creative Development


A book designed to unleash your pattern and fills creativity!

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Complete Double Bass Drumming Explained


The Reference and The Workbook Revised, Expanded, & Updated

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The Grid

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A complete system for expanding your skills as a creative player and improviser, focusing in on your own musical identity.

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Progressive Concepts for the Modern Metal Drummer



Hannes used and developed those methods himself during the preparations for Necrophagist’s ‘Epitaph’ album, for which he was able to increase his hand speed for single strokes from 200 bpm to 240 bpm within 5 months. Also features phrasings and groove concepts that can be used for all kinds of music. The concepts are about the musical use of blast beats and how to use phrasings and accents from different genres, i.e. latin music, that can be integrated in blasts.

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Ultimate Drum Lessons: Fills & Chops

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The Ultimate Drum Lesson collections allow drummers to get a cross-section of new educational ideas from some of the most popular and accomplished drummers in the world. This DVD contains a wealth of previously released material from the vast Hudson catalog, and like the other titles in this series, have proven to be very popular with drummers.

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Intense Metal Drumming II



George Kollias has become known as an international authority on extreme metal drumming, and this DVD is a must-have for anyone interested in this topic.

Providing multiple workouts and specific concepts, Intense Metal Drumming II is a highly educational product that goes beyond “licks” and gives you a meaningful program that can help you in pushing your abilities to the next level.

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