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Harmonic Variations in the Blues

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In this pack, Ivan Bodley introduces you to the harmonic variations in the blues. You’ll extend your knowledge of basic blues changes by learning some of the most common and popular variations on those changes. This pack is suited for beginning players.

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Fundamentals of the Blues

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In this pack, Ivan Bodley introduces you to the blues. You’ll learn the basic blues chord changes and some great bass patterns to play over them. This pack is suited for beginning players or players new to the blues.

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Bass ASAP 4

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Four different play-along tracks for more practice working with the octave using mixed rhythms.

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Bass ASAP 3

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Practice the octave on the first six notes of the E string and then put it into context with a play-along.

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Bass ASAP 2

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Learn three more notes on the E string: F, F#, and G#. You will learn several rhythms: the whole note, half note, and quarter note.

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Bass ASAP 1

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Learn the first steps of playing bass: How to tune, set your amplifier, proper right and left hand technique, and three important notes: E, G, and A on the lowest string of the bass – the E string.

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The Pulse of Jazz



A complete method for building a jazz timekeeping vocabulary


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A comprehensive system to improve your drumming vocabulary, and your ability to improvise with that vocabulary.

Drummers Guide to Big Band

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Written to help drummers and educators understand how to interpret and play big band charts

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