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Anatomy of a Drum Solo


In-studio footage of Neil discussing, in detail, his approach to soloing. Using a solo recorded in September, 2004 in Frankfurt, Germany, as a framework, Neil talks about each segment of this nine-minute tour de force that is a highlight of each Rush performance.

Anatomy of a Drum Solo $19.99$29.99
Anatomy of a Drum Solo
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This DVD features in-studio footage of Neil Peart discussing, in detail, his approach to soloing. Using a solo recorded in September, 2004 in Frankfurt, Germany, as a framework, Neil talks about each segment of this nine-minute tour de force that is a highlight of each Rush performance.

Also included are:

  • Two explorations — completely improvised workouts at the drums, each over thirty-minutes long; a never-before-released solo recorded in Hamburg, Germany in September, 2004 (Ich Bin Ein Hamburger)
  • Baterista Neil’s Grammy Award-nominated solo (from Rush in Rio)
  • Two full Rush performances from Frankfurt 2004, shown entirely from the perspective of the drum cameras
  • Interviews with Lorne Wheaton, Neis drum tech, and Paul Northfield, Rush co-producer and engineer
  • A full-color booklet, a photo gallery and more.


  • Alternate Edits-During parts of Neil’s analysis ofDer Trommler, the viewer can choose between two different edits, one with related playing examples in full screen and one with Neil in view while the playing example is shown in a separate inset. These spots are identified by an on-screen icon.
  • Audio-only Bonus Tracks, Momos Dance Party and Pieces of Eight, composed and performed by Neil, on marimba, that can be accessed at various points in the program.
  • Bonus Footage:
  • A previously unreleased solo from the Rush Counterparts tour recorded March 27, 1994 at the Palace of Auburn Hills in Michigan.
  • Camera-Option—During Neils performance of Der Tommler, the viewer can choose between the program edit and two, isolated cameras, for different views.
  • Two Rush performances (Tom Sawyer and Subdivisions) recorded Frankfurt, September, 2004 from the perspective of the drum cameras.

Click here to download the Anatomy of a Drum Solo booklet, originally included with the DVD.

Also Available

The Anatomy of a Drum Solo Poster.

  • Limited Edition Poster
  • Printed on Heavy Poster stock
  • 20″ X 28” in size
  • Shipped in a heavy duty tube


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