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6/8 Feel and Others Drumset Method


Presented in Spanish and English – a challenging book providing grooves and concepts inspired by the music of different countries around the globe, integrated with warm-ups and explorations of the rhythmic scale.

6/8 Feel and Others Drumset Method $9.99

6/8 Feel and Others Drumset Method, by Marcelo Fernandez, is presented in Spanish and English, this challenging book provides grooves and concepts inspired by the music of different countries around the globe, integrated with warm-ups and explorations of the rhythmic scale. Included are concepts rooted in jazz, funk, African music (tigo, axatse, kagan), and more. The book includes the most complete documentation of Argentine folk music available for drummers, including the basic constructs and the substyle of chacarera. Includes video demonstrations.

56 pages | eBook | includes video

6/8 Feel and Others Drumset Method, de Marcelo Fernández, se presenta en español e inglés, este desafiante libro proporciona ritmos y conceptos inspirados en la música de diferentes países alrededor del mundo, integrados con calentamientos y exploraciones de la escala rítmica. Se incluyen conceptos arraigados en el jazz, el funk, la música africana (tigo, axatse, kagan) y más. El libro incluye la documentación más completa de la música folclórica argentina disponible para bateristas, incluidas las construcciones básicas y el subestilo de la chacarera. Incluye demostraciones en vídeo.

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