Putting rudiments together into combinations to create musical phrases is a great technique builder. Â Pat will help build your chops with these original 4-bar exercises, designed for easy memorization and effectiveness. This pack is for advanced players.
This is Pat Petrillo’s Rudi-MENTAL Combo Chop Builders Pack 2. It is recommended for advanced level players. Check out Pat’s Rudi-MENTAL Combo Chop Builders Pack 1 if you find these lessons to be too difficult.
Here are the lessons that appear in this pack, and Pat’s comments on them:
- Lesson 1: Tap Rolls, Drags, & 6-Stroke Roll Combo –Â In this is a roll development workout, Pat will introduce the Tap 11-Stroke Roll.
- Lesson 2: Flam Jam Combo #1 –Â Now Pat combines flams, flam taps, and flam accents with diddles, rolls, and drags.
- Lesson 3: Flam Jam Combo #2 –Â A taste of every flam rudiment in a four-bar combo with cheese? Flamtastic!
- Lesson 4: Ratamasix Combo – Phrasing ratamacues as sextuplets with 6-stroke rolls, paradiddle-diddles & singles a la Buddy! Killin’!
- Lesson 5: Sextuplet Diddle Combo =Â You’ve phrased them as 16th notes, now Pat plays them as a sextuplets. Very challenging!
- Lesson 6: The Finale! –Â In one of the most challenging four-bar combos you will ever play, Pat now combines 32nd-note singles and diddles with flam rolls and cheeses.
To learn more from Pat, check out his book/DVD package, Hands, Grooves, and Fills, available from Hudson Music at hudsonmusic.com, as well as his website, www.drumstudiolive.com.