In this pack, Mike Pope takes a deep look at how to improvise over chord changes that are moving chromatically. These harmonic situations can be challenging even for seasoned players, and Mike’s approach will help you to play over chromatic changes without resorting to patterns or otherwise repeating lines. Each lesson in this pack builds on the previous lessons so be sure to spend some time with each concept before moving ahead.
Be sure to check out Mike Pope’s other excellent packs on motivic development, articulation, and getting the best sounds from your bass and amp.
Here are the lessons that appear in this pack:
- Introduction
- Ascending Line Over Descending Changes
- Ascending Line with 2 Notes per ii-V
- Two Notes per ii-V with Rhythmic Variation
- Adding a Third Note
- Mixing Two and Three Note Motives
- Arpeggio Set Up for Motives
- Ascending and Descending Arpeggios
- Varying the Harmonic Rhythm
- Double Time