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Finding the Groove


Jeremy Steinkoler shares his insights and wisdom from over 30 years of performing, recording, and teaching private lessons and rock band workshops.

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Finding the Groove
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In Finding the Groove, drummers will find a collection of essays and musings which offer invaluable practical advice, from understanding the role of the drummer in the band, to acquiring the musical tools needed to develop good “feel.” Other musicians—and music educators—wil find important topics covered as well, including strategies for practicing more effectively, overcoming mental and physical obstacles to progress, and the critical importance of attitude and intention. Artists—or really anyone who hones a practice or pursues a passion—will find life stories that illuminate: essays on finding your voice and staying true to your creative vision; surrounding yourself with peers who help you grow; and an exploration of the pitfalls of self-doubt that plague so many creative people, and get in the way of achieving the fullest expression of their artistic calling.

“The author brings a sense of empathy and wonder that adds weight to the lessons at hand. Drum instructors in particular will find lots to chew on, but the rest of us will recognize much of ourselves here as well—who we are, who we were, and who we hope to become.”

“Once I started reading Finding the Groove, I couldn’t put it down. I found myself relating on a deep level to SO many of the great stories, situations, and career lessons! Jeremy really knows what he is talking about. I hope drummers of all levels read and enjoy this book. I wish this book was out when I was 16 years old!”
– Gregg Bissonette

“Imagine years of valuable experience delivered to you in a way to inspire you and guide you—that is what Jeremy has done with this book! Read the words and also feel what he is sharing! You too can grow from this, wherever you are on your journey!”
–Dom Famularo (Drumming’s Global Ambassador)

“My favorite teachers always taught me that drumming is more than paradiddles. The title says it all. Enjoy!!!”
–David Garibaldi (Tower of Power)

“Author and master drummer Jeremy Steinkoler has put a lifetime of experience, information and pearls of wisdom based on his real-time experience of teaching, playing and performing as a professional drummer into this work. There is so much important knowledge concerning our craft in this book that it’s hard to believe he captured it in a few hundred pages! Totally informative, important–and it’s fun to read! This book is just what’s needed for pros like myself and non-pros alike. A must for all who love music and drumming! I read it twice!!
– Mike Clark (Herbie Hancock)

“Well written, clear, interesting and practical—a real contribution to the world of drumming.”
—Joel Rothman (world’s most prolific drum book author)

“As a drummer and teacher, I found Jeremy’s book to be both entertaining and insightful—a pleasure to read. It contains many relatable and familiar stories, along with unique insights. But this isn’t JUST a book for dummers—people from all walks of life will be able to relate to so many aspects of his experience. Well done!”

–Dawn Richardson (4 Non-Blondes, Tracy Chapman)

“Jeremy’s book is an amazing amalgamation of drum wisdom, humor, anecdotes, philosophy and the inner game of drumming. It’s a practical guide to understanding the core necessities needed to become a professional musician.”

—Chris Brady (Aquarian Drumheads)

“A fabulous collection of stories, insights, and motivational musings!” 

—Kevin Lehman, President, Colorado chapter, Percussive Arts Society​

What will you learn from this book?

Drummers will learn:

  • Why playing a simple part often sounds better than a more complicated one.
  • Why “touch” and “tone” are such critical—and often overlooked—ingredients to sounding good.
  • Why what you practice should often be different from what you play.
  • Why “chops” are the means and not the end.
  • Why the metronome is one of your most valuable tools.
  • The importance of transcribing.
  • Why tuning your drums is so important.
  • What endorsements are—and what they aren’t.

All musicians will learn:

  • The most effective practice techniques to get over hurdles, and break through plateaus—not just how to practice, but why you should practice that way.
  • The fundamental importance of attitude and intention.
  • How to “own” what you play.
  • What it means to “find your voice.”
  • Why being prepared can make all the difference.
  • How to put your best foot forward at an audition.
  • Why mistakes are vital to your music.
  • The importance of surrounding yourself with players who help you grow.
  • Why the “path of least resistance” isn’t always a good thing.

Instructors will learn:

  • How to teach good, effective practice habits.
  • When “tough love” is the best approach—and why sometimes it isn’t.
  • Why it’s important to recognize different learning styles.
  • How to support your students’ successes and help them learn from their failures.
  • When giving too much advice can be counterproductive.
  • The signals to look for in your students who are struggling, in order to help them most effectively.
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