Drum Guru is proud to present one of the most scholarly and detailed analyses of Steve Gadd to appear anywhere. Italian drummer and Gadd scholar Mauro Cau breaks down and analyzes several of Gadd’s signature concepts, drawn from his legendary body of recorded work.
Each of these lessons contains a verbal analysis and summary of the lesson from the author, followed by note-for-note demonstrations of the grooves, fills, solos, and licks at three different tempos for careful study.
Here are the lessons/drummers that appear in this pack:
- “Lester Leaps In” (Bill Watrous Combo, Bone Straight Ahead, 1973)
- “Nite Sprite” (Chick Corea, The Leprechaun, 1976)
- “Manhattan Vibes” (Wlodek Gulgowski, Made in Sweden,1976)
- “Seven Steps to Heaven” (Ben Sidran, The Cat and the Hat, 1979)
- “French Roast” (Lee Ritenour, Feel the Night, 1979)