Thomas Lang Greece Clinic Review

The Modern Music School, DRUMstore and Stollas SA recently hosted Thomas Lang for a series of clinics in Greece. Check out his report – as well as some great photos from the events!

Special thanks to Vasilis Metallinos and Orestes Zoumpos for their assistance in making these events happen!

Hello Rob and Ron, 

Just a quick review about Thomas Lang clinics in Greece.

We had a total of 700 people in both clinics (450 Athens, 250 Thessaloniki)! 

Thomas totally killed everyone with his appearances and everyone will be talking about that for a long time.

Me and Orestis enjoyed a lot the time we spent with Thomas as he is such a great person to hang out with.

The success of those 2 clinics will definitely lead to even more, and even better events with the cooperation of the DRUMstore, Modern Music School and Stollas SA. 

As you can see on the pictures Thomas spent a lot of his time signing autographs to his fans at the stand that we offered his DVD’s and books!! 

Thank you for supporting to make things happen!

Check out some images from the clinics in Greece!

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