I wanted to let you know of an option that I came across which might be of interest to you and perhaps your students as well. I thought I would apply my same interest in the Hudson Music downloads to check out the Berklee Music online offerings.
Artist or Craftsman? by Mike Sorrentino
Artist or Craftsman? That’s kind of a strange question, but it’s one I’ve been thinking about for almost a year.
Exploring the Learning Process by Adam Hay
With drumming, the quickest way to learn something is to actually slow things down. Never try to learn something at the tempo you ultimately want to be able to play it at!
You May Be Speaking, But Is It Really Your Own Voice?
To be able to express oneself at the drumset is an important part of playing music. And yet, how many times do we so desperately want to say something to someone but we hold back from saying what is really in our head?
Technology and Teaching by Richard Wilson
This article is about embracing technology to get the most out of your time, students, staff and also to help get ahead of the competition.
Drumming and Spinal Health by Chris DeRosa
Over years of practice and performing, the repetitive movements we do create some strain and stress on individual body parts and muscles. I had this unlucky situation come to my attention recently.