Check Patterns Timing and Polyrhythms
Jeff Queen teaches rhythm and accent exercises usable by drummers of all styles and levels. Topics start with basic accent patterns, triplets, and 16th notes and proceed to an introduction to polyrhythms.nnnnnn
Classic Snare Solos Pack
Jeff Prosperie demonstrates several classic ancient snare drum solos and drumming techniques using a rope snare drum. This pack will show you the historical approach to the marching snare drum, and also provide you with some inspiring practice material.
Ultimate Hands Warm-Ups by Dennis DeLucia
Dennis DeLucia presents some of his original warm-up exercises that he has used to great effectiveness with many of the various percussion groups he has taught, including a classic exercise from the Bayonne Bridgemen. Dennis is joined by champion snare drummer and West Point Hellcat Jeff Prosperie.
Very Advanced Rudiments
Dennis DeLucia presents the fourth set of 10 rudiments, which he calls the Very Advanced rudiments. This final set of rudiments is not only more difficult than the previous sets, it contains certain rudiments that are becoming more rare in modern drum corps compositions.
Advanced Rudiments
Dennis DeLucia presents the third set of 10 rudiments, which he calls the Advanced rudiments. As the name implies, these rudiments are more challenging and are built on concepts contained in the first two rudiment packs.
Derivative Rudiments
In this pack, Dennis DeLucia presents the second set of 10 rudiments, which he calls the Derivative rudiments, because they are derived from concepts presented in the Fundamental rudiments.
Fundamental Rudiments
Dennis DeLucia has divided the PAS 40 rudiments into four quadrants based on difficulty and construction. Here, along with student Jeremy Berkin (and demos by Jeff Prosperie), the first set of 10 basic rudiments are presented.
Essentials of Drumming Pack
Contains 12 lessons covering grip, movement, the essential strokes of drumming, dynamics, accents, and Dennis’ “Five T’s”: time, technique, touch, taste, and tone.
Gladstone Pack 2
Morris “Arnie” Lang shows you more techniques and approaches of the legendary Gladstone Technique.
Gladstone Pack 1
Morris “Arnie” Lang shows you more techniques and approaches of the legendary Gladstone Technique.