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Clave and Tumbao Part 2

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Lincoln Goines continues his series Working With the Language of Rhythm: Afro-Cuban and Brazilian Groove Concepts for Bass. This pack offers an in depth look at the tumbao with examples over multiple different changes and with a full band play-along.

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Bass ASAP 4

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Four different play-along tracks for more practice working with the octave using mixed rhythms.

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Bass ASAP 3

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Practice the octave on the first six notes of the E string and then put it into context with a play-along.

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Bass ASAP 2

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Learn three more notes on the E string: F, F#, and G#. You will learn several rhythms: the whole note, half note, and quarter note.

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Bass ASAP 1

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Learn the first steps of playing bass: How to tune, set your amplifier, proper right and left hand technique, and three important notes: E, G, and A on the lowest string of the bass – the E string.

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