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Mark Mondesir: The Mystery Unfolds


Championed by Tony Williams and Dennis Chambers, Mark Mondesir is considered to be one of the best drummers on the planet.

In this DVD, self-taught Mark breaks down his style of playing to just 7 rudiments. In analysing all of these, he demistifies the type of drumming that has baffled drummers for years. Be prepared, this video may alter the way you play the drums forever!

Scotty Johnson: Accelerate Rock Gtr Playing


This DVD will help to take your playing to the next level. Scotty Johnson has toured all over the world and recorded many CDs with various rock and blues heavyweights.

After receiving a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Miami School of Music, Scotty won the grand prize in the D’Addario International Rock Contest. After fulfilling a three record contract with Blues Bureau International. He did a one-year stint in Las Vegas as the musical director of the six million dollar hit stage production Madhattan. Scotty has since relocated to the Boston area where he continues to record, tour, and teach Guitar at Berklee College of Music.

He has appeared in almost every major Guitar magazine in the US and Japan and has been seen on CNN, Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight, and Korean national TV.