The Paradiddle Book, Volume 1, by Maksym Deomin, is a hybrid eBook product. The eBook contains video lessons, interactive practice videos, and more than 5000 exercises, is a combination of accents and 16th notes. Non-accented notes can also be used as the accented notes, which will give you twice as many combinations and exercises.
The workbook starts with hands and feet independence exercises, which are based on playing different kinds of paradiddles. There are endless variations using paradiddle combinations between the hands and feet for developing independence. Start with the bass drum as single strokes RLRL/ LRLR playing quarter notes. Then use double strokes RRLL/ LLRR on the bass drum, and finally paradiddles with the bass drum.
The single paradiddle section of the book features no specific stickings for the each exercise, in order to create the opportunity to develop more freedom and creativity in the practice process.
Maksym’s inspiration to create the exercises for this book came from recording studio work experience, made especially to develop subdivision control, as well as an independent, separate feel of the bass drum.
The videos included with this book are available in both English and Russian language!