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A lifetime full of notes and bits and pieces of the bizarre, idiosyncratic life of a sideman in the business of drumming for a living.

Fatback $15.99

Fatback, Life in the Pocket, by Eddie Tuduri, is a lifetime full of notes and bits and pieces of the bizarre, idiosyncratic life of a sideman in the business of drumming for a living.

“Many of my friends, most in fact, are worker bees in this business of music, including me. We are not stars for all intents and purposes; we are not house hold names, nor do we live in those houses on the hill unless our financial status came from elsewhere. The likelihood of most of us becoming famous, rich, or celebrated beyond the realm of our fellow players, families, friends, and local supporters is slim, regardless of musical prowess, talent, or tireless determination. Most will never get the kind of recompense and compensation afforded by our “Hall of Fame” friends. They, too, have worked hard to achieve that status, but the element of time, place, and luck always plays a significant role. And the path is only sometimes paved in gold. In my estimation, true success in the music business is that we might pay the rent, raise our families, own a small house, or, at the very least, a comfortable couch …or, in my case, a massage chair! Kidding aside, it is an honorable, satisfying life with many rewards, rewards beyond the trappings of the clambake in Hollywood and other musical hotbeds. So, what is success? It is exceedingly different from being famous. And so, for myself and my worker bee friends, success is having lived an exciting, musical, howl-at-the-moon life and Love Fest in Pop, Funk, and Rock & Roll.

“May you find your own, Life in the Pocket“.

– Eddie Tuduri

eBook | 152 pages | with Video

From the Book

Foreword by David Garibaldi

I’ve known Eddie for many years. We met in 1972 in Minneapolis…I was with Tower of Power, and he was with Bobby Whitlock. We became friends and have remained so to this day. I used to go to his place in the San Fernando Valley and hang out with him and his dog, Bach. He’s a great man and this book is a dive into a groundbreaking time in music. He tells about his musical roots, his journey as a drummer, making a living, having nothing, making friends and enemies, his love life, his crazy band experiences, his problems with alcohol and his sobriety.

The thing that stands out to me is how well he articulates his thoughts and remembrances into a beautifully truthful story about his life. He’s been a sideman for some of the most famous people in the music, has been a bandleader and business owner. He pulls no punches and tells his story…this is the Eddie I know. He’s a real person who owns his life. The story of his accident, his recovery and how it led to The Rhythmic Arts Project, and how this has become his driving force. Truly inspiring. I could go on but then I’d spoil an incredible read!

Brother Eddie may God continue to bless you and the works of your hands…sending you love and cherishing our friendship.

David Garibaldi
March 24, 2023
Livermore, CA


As I pored over the notes from years ago to assemble this manuscript, I found a few musings that felt less relevant and bitter in my telling. Of course, we hope to grow in our abilities and strengths in our efforts to become accomplished. We expect the road to be less traveled and more resolute in time as some genuinely strive to be enlightened.

That said, I realize I’m not the wreckage of my past, the mistakes I’ve made, the pain I’ve suffered, or the fibs I’ve told. I’m forgiven, most times, and more importantly, I’ve forgiven myself.

Some stories are told with a different heart and mind, from another time, with a different attitude, not completely void of bitterness. I edited so much that if I were any tamer, the stories would be slack on truth and slight on the integrity of those who shared the experiences.

I hope you enjoy the journey,

Eddie Tuduri


I awoke after a 6 ½ hour operation, and I was totally paralyzed from the neck down, … the thought did occur, what will I do now?

I’ve only ever played drums, my only bankable skill in life.

The first emotion that came over me was, “Whew, am I glad that’s over with.

Not my drumming, but the music business. 

After 40 years of being absorbed in the affair of drumming and all it entailed, including the music business, it all came to a complete stop.

In an instant, life as I knew it was over. Not surprised, I was cool with it all and looking forward to what was next.

Mind you, I thought I’d recover completely; I had no doubt. And, well, we’ll get to that later.

To look back to when I only ever played drums, let’s take a stroll down this Fatback* & Pocket Rabbit Hole.

*Fatback means fat, round notes … backbeats played consistently behind the beat; notes that let the pocket breathe make it emotional, deeper, and definable. It’s the space that moves us, and the music.

That Fatback feel, if anything, has always been the strength in my drumming, certainly not my technique or musical prowess. As a player, I’ve stepped out on a limb many times, but that one redeemable quality has always endured – the pocket.

I want to think I’ve lived my life much the same way. Despite the craziness, the inconsistencies, the good, the bad, and the ugly, it’s felt pretty good overall.

People Are Talking

When I heard my decades-long friend Eddie Tuduri was finishing up a book, I told him I wanted to read it. He modestly said he’d send me a chapter. I said, “No, send me the whole thing.” “Really?” “Absolutely!” I’m so glad I insisted, but little did I know what I was getting myself into.  After about 20 pages I was hooked. It wasn’t just the content – which was great by itself — it was how Eddie presented it. He had me laughing out loud even when the story should have been a punch in the gut. That’s the mark of a great storyteller! His ability to weave the harsh reality with a mix of irony and sarcasm was the perfect recipe to grab my attention. I couldn’t stop reading. I emailed him after about 40 pages to tell how much I was enjoying it and asked if I could just fix a few punctuation things – Eddie had an obsessive usage of semicolons.

As I got deeper and deeper into the text I was swept away by Eddie’s story – things I never knew about this person I had known for so very long, as he bared himself naked for all to see. His saga includes the ups and downs of playing drums as a sideman, the good, bad and ugly tales with the cool and not so cool, as well as a near death experience that astoundingly Eddie turned around to make a positive impact.

Eddie likes to call me the editor. Yeah, there were a lot of semicolons, and I might have made a few suggestions about where something he wrote might work better if placed elsewhere, but Eddie wrote this book and if you want to know the truth – he’s a fricken better writer than I am! And aside from the laughs you will get from just the way he describes a situation, as his story plays out, you will have no choice but to find Eddie a huge inspiration. Chances are you may end up feeling like me – thinking you should be a little more like him and do better for the world.

– Robyn Flans 

Eddie Tuduri has managed to detail what it is to negotiate the veritable “minefield” that is The Music Business and what it takes to make a living in it. He also amazingly describes the many subtle and nuanced elements that comprise a “groove and “feel”. At times hysterically funny it is all delivered with the huge heart, wit, and wisdom that is Eddie Tuduri. A tremendously fun and insightful read! –

– Tris Imboden

“Eddie Tuduri’s new book Fatback, Life in the Pocket is a must-read for anyone in the music biz or music education…or for anyone that wants to read a heartfelt story, with great advice from a wonderful longtime friend of mine and great musician.  Eddie’s incredible personality shines through in every chapter…he breaks down the meaning of groove and feel better than anyone!  Way to go Eddie!  What a great book!”

– Gregg Bissonette
LA Recording Session/Touring Drummer
Member of Ringo Starr & His All-Starr Band since 2008

Eddie is a mountain and has more than stood the test of time. He is a fierce advocate, focused, deliberate, most definitely, deeply kind, and has the biggest, loving heart of anyone I know.

He and I have been good friends for decades, and sometimes even bandmates along the way.

Even now, after all these years, I am finding tidbits, here and there, in this glorious read, that he so kindly let me have an advance gander at! This is a copy I shall always cherish from a friend that has been built up and been knocked down too many times to count, who now has reached such an ultimate goal that few others would or could attain……

Bravo, my friend, never doubt for one second that you are so honored and loved here by so many, and more to come. Your life is a testament to all that is finite and truly good in a world so lacking!!!!

– Shaun Murphy

Our Friend, Eddie Tuduri’s story, turns tragedy into triumph. After years as a successful musician in LA, he met with a physical disaster.

That began a long and arduous journey back to his career as a drummer. Still, a new chapter in his life started with an ever-widening horizon of opportunity

to make a difference in so many other lives. The miracle of his positive influence on others reaches around the globe today. From beginning to end, his story is humorous, yet one of perseverance and triumph.

– Michael and Amy (Holland) McDonald 

Fatback, A Life in the Pocket, Eddie Tuduri’s life story, is unique among the multitude of drum biographies released over the last several years.  With candor, humility and humor, Eddie tells his story in a straightforward and unapologetic way.  What we learn is the true life of a professional side man with its challenges and setbacks, all experienced in the wild, reckless abandon of a traveling musician living a Pirate’s life.
Eddie pays a well-deserved and often overlooked tribute to the musicians he has worked with, giving equal weight to those who we may not know, along with those who went on to become worldwide household names in music and television.  (A note:  Fatback was the right choice for this title.  Video of Eddie playing with various artists over the years reveals a serious backbeat.  You will enjoy, and become a fan).  Eddie becomes a businessman and entrepreneur, again illuminating the realities of the music business.  He makes everything, down to scrubbing toilets, count for something.   You will recognize drumming royalty within the pages, too.  Eddie’s friends are our heroes, and to them Eddie is a hero too, though from deeds that went beyond drumming.
In the turning point of the book, Eddie moves from the rock and roll excess they make movies about, to a tragic turn of events leading to personal transformation – an ascension of sorts.  Eddie’s story here teaches us what life is about, and how as musicians we have enormous capacity to change the world.  Eddie’s ability to change his groove to the ever-changing rhythm of life is inspiring.
I highly recommend Fatback to anyone interested in a wild ride and an uplifting finish.
Bill Donnelly

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