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Classic Rock Groove Pack 1


The Classic Rock packs show you some of the best-known drum grooves and fills in rock music, which have been chosen for their usefulness (many of these songs are often played by cover bands). Most of the grooves in this pack are at an intermediate level. Your teachers for this pack will be Drum Guru instructors Joe Bergamini and Mike Sorrentino, with a bonus lesson from drum legend Steve Smith (Journey, Steps Ahead, Vital Information).

Classic Rock Groove Pack 1 $3.99

The Classic Rock packs show you some of the best-known drum grooves and fills in rock music, which have been chosen for their usefulness (many of these songs are often played by cover bands). Most of the grooves in this pack are at an intermediate level. Your teachers for this pack will be Drum Guru instructors Joe Bergamini and Mike Sorrentino, with a bonus lesson from drum legend Steve Smith (Journey, Steps Ahead, Vital Information).

  • Quarter-Note Rock: “Shout” (Otis Redding), “Looks That Kill” (Motley Crue)
  • Basic Rock Groove: “Back in Black”(AC/DC), “We Didn’t Start the Fire” (Billy Joel)
  • Rock Variation: “Day Tripper” (The Beatles), “Living after Midnight” (Judas Priest)
  • Floor Tom Rock Groove: “Brown Sugar” (The Rolling Stones)
  • Basic Hi-Hat Shuffle: “Face the Face” (Pete Townshend), “Stagger Lee” (Lloyd Prince)
  • Two-Bar Groove, Style of Ian Paice: “Highway Star” (Deep Purple)
  • When to Play the Hi-Hat, Ride, and Bell
  • Swingin’ Rock: “Don’t Be Cruel” (Elvis Presley)
  • Steve Smith: Basic Shuffle Groove


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