The Classic Rock packs show you some of the best-known drum grooves and fills in rock music, which have been chosen for their usefulness (these concepts are used in popular songs that many bands play). Most of the fills in this pack are at an intermediate level. Your teacher for this pack will be Drum Guru instructor Joe Bergamini, and you will learn cool drum fills in the style of Neil Peart, Jeff Porcaro, Liberty DeVitto, Phil Collins, and more.
Here are the lessons that appear in this pack:
- Jeff Porcaro Triplets with Joe Bergamini
- Liberty DeVitto Fill with Joe Bergamini
- Classic Motown Fill with Joe Bergamini
- Neil Peart Tom Run with Joe Bergamini
- Triplets in Straight Time with Joe Bergamini
- Hi-Hat Barks with Joe Bergamini
- Classic Phil Collins Fill with Joe Bergamini
- Heavy Triplets w/ Double Bass with Joe Bergamini