Welcome to Bass ASAP. These packs were designed by renowned bass player and educator Ed Friedland to get you up and running on the bass as soon as possible. Lessons include full band play-along tracks that have you playing right away.
In Bass ASAP 6, you will learn three new notes on the A string: A#, B, and C#. Then, you’ll practice those notes in the context of three new play-alongs, and play them with mixed rhythms. Be sure and check out the other packs in the Bass ASAP series so that you can get the most out of your electric bass.
To learn more about Ed Friedland visit him at:
Here are the lessons that appear in this pack: Â
Learning Notes: A#, B, and C# (90 BPM)
Practicing Notes: A#, B, and C# (90 BPM)
- Practicing Notes: All 6 Notes on the A String (90 BPM)
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