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Advanced Groupings & Fills


In this unique pack, Steve Gadd presents a full approach to learning and applying odd groupings on the drumset, here using a three-note grouping. Five lessons explain how to use the grouping in various phrase lengths, and then Steve demonstrates how to use the concept and a swing context, and how he used it in the drum break of “Love for Sale” from Burning for Buddy.

Advanced Groupings & Fills $5.99
Advanced Groupings & Fills
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Drumming legend Steve Gadd has created several lesson packs exclusively for Drum Guru! In these lessons, Steve shares many of the signature concepts, grooves and fills that have made him one of the most popular, important, and imitated drummers in the history of the instrument.

This is Steve Gadd Pack 5: Advanced Groupings and Fills. This pack came into existence by asking Steve to explain the classic drum break that he played on the song “Love for Sale” on the album Burning for Buddy (a Buddy Rich tribute album produced by Neil Peart). In this break, Steve performs one of the rudimental licks taught in Steve Gadd Pack 1, but phrases it across the time in a 3-note grouping. In this pack, Steve completely breaks down the 3-note grouping, demonstrating the different positions in which it can occur in 2-, 4-, and 8-bar phrases. After using “practice mode” to work up these patterns with a click, you will develop the ability to apply this grouping comfortably in your own playing. The concept of applying this 3-note grouping across the time in a polyrhythmic fashion is applied by many drumming greats from Max Roach to Vinnie Colaiuta.

Steve also teaches the actual fill from “Love for Sale,” then shows how the 3-note grouping can be applied to broken-time playing in a jazz/swing context. This advanced pack will expand your polyrhythmic ability and conceptual vocabulary, taught by one of the all-time greats of drumming!

Here are the lessons that appear in this pack:

  • 3-Note Grouping: 1st Position, 8-Bar Phrase
  • 3-Note Grouping: 2nd Position, 8-Bar Phrase
  • 3-Note Grouping: 3rd Position, 8-Bar Phrase
  • 3-Note Grouping: 4-Bar Phrases (All Positions)
  • 3-Note Grouping: 2-Bar Phrases (All Positions)
  • “Love for Sale” Drum Break
  • 3-Note Grouping Applied to Jazz/Swing


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