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Lots of Stuff

Well, it’s Monday morning so I thought I would look over what’s on my plate this week and tell you all about it. We are getting closer to the Aaron Spears shoot. I have been speaking with Aaron every few days, and we have a meeting this week coming up to continue with the planning. We are trying something a little different with this DVD, that I think all of our Hudson fans are going to be blown away by. Of course I can’t really reveal what it is… sorry. I’m starting to look forward to the shoot. The tracks that Aaron came up with for this cover many different styles, and I think he’s going to show some really interesting educational insights.

We are into the editing phase with the Keith Carlock DVD, and what that means for me is that I will begin to have to look at various edits and along with my trusty sidekick, Willie Rose, we will begin to assemble the eBook for this DVD. Willie has gotten so good at transcribing, that he actually does it all and I just check it over at the end. It’s great to have someone as talented (and as nice) as Willie working along with me. Willie also assists me with the layout of the eBook. I enjoy the graphical design element of working on the page layouts. Anyway, this Carlock DVD is going to be great.

It was an interesting weekend on the gig front. I played In the Heights on Sunday, after a couple of week hiatus, and it felt great. That shows such a pleasure to play. On Friday night I played my first show subbing at a different Broadway show, for a well-known drummer. I just want to say that I don’t care how much of a drumming tough guy you think you are, if you come to New York and try to get involved with subbing on these modern shows, you will be utterly terrified at your first few performances. My hands were shaking on Friday night. There is a tremendous amount of pressure to perform at extremely high level. I guess in the end that’s what I like about it, but it can be quite nerve-racking as well.

All right, that’s about it for now. I know that some of you who are reading this probably have ideas for books and DVDs. In my next blog I think I will talk about that part of my gig with Hudson: evaluating manuscripts and DVD submissions. I think a lot of you will find enlightening.

Talk to you then…


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