Did you know that you can find clips from HudsonMusic.com on YouTube?
Due to popular requests, we’ve started syndicating our exclusive podcasts, features, trailers and sample clips on YouTube.
Currently, we have over 100 clips available on our YouTube channel, and are adding to that number weekly.
Why Syndicate? Why YouTube? YouTube consistently ranks in the top 5 of all websites visited, reaching an estimated 20% of all internet traffic. By offering our content via YouTube, we have potential to reach more people who want to know about drumming than any other means. Syndication allows you to share and forward our content to friends, and have more options to view it.
Why still visit Hudson Music.com? Simply put, while you can get ALOT of stuff from YouTube, you can’t get ALL of it! We’re still saving some video as exclusive to HudsonMusic.com, and of course the articles, information and freebees – such as play along charts and MP3’s from our books – you just can’t get on YouTube.
Additionally – the quality of the video you see at HudsonMusic.com far exceeds that which you will find onYouTube. We encode at higher bitrates, with better audio.
So the choice is yours – see it there, or see it here!