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Mastering the Tables of Time


A comprehensive drumset method to improve your groove, coordination, polyrhythmic and soloing skills

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Mastering the Tables of Time $15.99
Mastering the Tables of Time $15.99

By popular demand, and in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of winning Best Educational Book in the 2009 Modern Drummer Readers Poll, Mastering the Tables of Time is now available from Hudson Music for the first time as a digital download eBook!

This groundbreaking method book, by David Stanoch, inspired by the genius of Tony Williams and Joe Morello, among other masters, presents a compleat methodology for applying the studies of rudiments, accents & dynamic control, jazz & backbeat-based rhythms, polyrhythms, metric modulations and soloing vocabulary to the framework of the table of time (aka “pyramid,” “ladder,” or “rhythm scale”) to improve your groove, phrasing, and time awareness.

“Groundbreaking… The Real Book of Time!”
~ DRUM! Magazine

Good timekeeping begins with a strong sense of how to subdivide the beat and musical cultures are defined by how they phrase the subdivisions in their rhythms. Mastering the Tables of Time is the comprehensive method that sparked the trend in subdivision studies championed by many of  today’s favorite drummers!

Learn how the Standard Timetable can maximize your application of related duple & triple subdivisions in up to 5 tempos at once; the Syncopated Standard Timetable brings the swing & funk to the mix; the World Timetable flows like gears on a bike, from 1 to 9 notes per beat and beyond; and Abstract Timetables think outside-the-box for maximum effect, ranging from the most sophisticated rhythms to the beats from the streets!

“Fascinating, challenging possibilities through sticking, time and rhythm concepts. Easily understandable. You can feel yourself improving. A future classic!”
~ RHYTHM Magazine (UK)

Often referred to as a “must have” resource by pros, colleges, and students worldwide, you can now more easily than ever see for yourself why the Percussive Arts Society proclaimed, “This book should become one of the perennial methods for drumset along with others like Ted Reed’s Syncopation, Jim Chapin’s Advanced Techniques for the Modern Drummer, and Gary Chester’s The New Breed.”

The new digital version contains dozens of embedded audio and video demonstrations, all accessible with just a click on the icon of the related example. And, as a bonus you will also receive with your download a FREE Supplemental Studies eBooklet, featuring material expanding from the book’s chapters that you won’t want to miss!

Check it all out now and discover the incredible benefits for any player interested in developing a stronger foundation, greater confidence, and freedom of expression in any musical direction!

eBook | 155 Pages | 43 Video Lessons + Audio