The Pathways of Motion series from drumming legend Steve Smith provides a complete overview and approach to matched grip drumset technique. These concepts are based around Steve’s current use and analysis of matched grip, presenting a wealth of information about hand technique that also covers rudiments, musical phrasing, and much more. Steve identifies and demonstrates four distinct grips; each grip is thoroughly explored in its basic motions on the snare drum, and then translated to drumset applications and phrases. Later packs in the series apply these techniques with challenging and fun rudimental phrases that also build phrasing ideas, vocabulary, and chops.
This fifth pack deals with several concepts. Steve teaches an interesting two-note concept on the bass drum and provides musical phrases for it; the Moeller motion is explained and demonstrated; and several more rudiments are discussed and played.
Here are the lessons that appear in this pack:
- Two-Note Idea on Bass Drum
- One Time through Each Pattern
- Moeller Motion
- Motion between the Notes
- Flam Tap
- Flammed Mills
- Flammed Mills Slowed Down
- Paradiddle-Diddle
- Applying Paradiddle-Diddles to Drumset